dimanche 13 avril 2014

Bash : éteindre clignotant lien symbolique avec des erreurs de permission (Amazon EC2) - Stack Overflow

I deliberately created soft links to files I have sudo access to. When performing the ls -la command, bash insists on the target flashing red as though the links are broken (I need to sudo for access). Flashing text is the worst, and I don't want to edit the /etc/bashrc (Amazon EC2 appears to this source file from ~/.bashrc) file which I think may be setting the colours.

Any ideas on removing the flashing without removing/touching the /etc/bashrc.

Assuming you mean ls(1)'s colored output, I don't think ls does that by default. You probably alias it in your ~/.bashrc, so remove the alias there (search for --color).

I deliberately created soft links to files I have sudo access to. When performing the ls -la command, bash insists on the target flashing red as though the links are broken (I need to sudo for access). Flashing text is the worst, and I don't want to edit the /etc/bashrc (Amazon EC2 appears to this source file from ~/.bashrc) file which I think may be setting the colours.

Any ideas on removing the flashing without removing/touching the /etc/bashrc.

Assuming you mean ls(1)'s colored output, I don't think ls does that by default. You probably alias it in your ~/.bashrc, so remove the alias there (search for --color).

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