jeudi 22 mai 2014

iPhone - pourrais je soumets app d'appstore sans appareil ios ? -Débordement de pile

Today I want submit my app to app store, I created apple ID and prepared app for upload. I created Distribution Provisioning Profile and I prepared everything in xcode but when I change iPhone Simulator 6.1 -> iOS Device (button archive is unavaible)

Check dependencies

Code Sign error: A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'com.etomek.Ukladanka' could not be found

I thought that I need Developer Provisioning Profile? But I don't have any iPhone/iPad

So Could I submit app to appstore without ios device ?

You do not need a device, and can archive when it's set to iOS Device. The best bet is to test on as many devices as you can, and archive when it's plugged in. Although when it says iOS Device, you can archive. The reason it's grayed out is probably an error in your provisioning profile or certificate. You may want to look under Organizer under profiles or under your build settings.

You need a development certificate for testing locally and distribution certificate for submission to the app store. You need to create a request in keychain then submit it using iTunes Connect, and then download the proper provisioning profiles and certs, and install it in XCode Organizer.

Best bet is to purchase a cheap device like an iPod Touch or iPhone, that can test most of your capabilities (iPod doesn't have most capabilities). You can compile for iPad with iPod or iPhone. So you just need an iOS device that can support your version 4.3+ or 5,6,7.

My previous answer was not correct, but this one is. Trausti was actually correct.

Yes, you can submit your app to app store without having a device.

The error you have is most likely because of incorrect name of your application.

No you can not. Also if you are wanting to do a clean distribution you will need to get a distribution license so you can do the distribution directly from xcode. Here is a good tutorial.,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store

Today I want submit my app to app store, I created apple ID and prepared app for upload. I created Distribution Provisioning Profile and I prepared everything in xcode but when I change iPhone Simulator 6.1 -> iOS Device (button archive is unavaible)

Check dependencies

Code Sign error: A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'com.etomek.Ukladanka' could not be found

I thought that I need Developer Provisioning Profile? But I don't have any iPhone/iPad

So Could I submit app to appstore without ios device ?

You do not need a device, and can archive when it's set to iOS Device. The best bet is to test on as many devices as you can, and archive when it's plugged in. Although when it says iOS Device, you can archive. The reason it's grayed out is probably an error in your provisioning profile or certificate. You may want to look under Organizer under profiles or under your build settings.

You need a development certificate for testing locally and distribution certificate for submission to the app store. You need to create a request in keychain then submit it using iTunes Connect, and then download the proper provisioning profiles and certs, and install it in XCode Organizer.

Best bet is to purchase a cheap device like an iPod Touch or iPhone, that can test most of your capabilities (iPod doesn't have most capabilities). You can compile for iPad with iPod or iPhone. So you just need an iOS device that can support your version 4.3+ or 5,6,7.

My previous answer was not correct, but this one is. Trausti was actually correct.

Yes, you can submit your app to app store without having a device.

The error you have is most likely because of incorrect name of your application.

No you can not. Also if you are wanting to do a clean distribution you will need to get a distribution license so you can do the distribution directly from xcode. Here is a good tutorial.,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store

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