mercredi 21 mai 2014

Python 2.7 - créer une liste de tuples excluant le tuple dans la liste - Stack Overflow

I have a list of tuples and I want to create another list that doesn't contain a specific tuple from that list.


mylist = [(a,b), (c,d), (e,f)]  
selected = (c,d)
operation_between(list, selected)
newlist = [(a,b), (e,f)]

The most simple way to do that is using a for loop, for iterating through mylist and inserting to newlist if current_item != selected. Is there any better way?

I thought of converting the list to a set and then using the - operator to remove the selected tuple from the set. But using set(mylist) only created a set with one item, the list.
Then to fix that I think to use list comprehension, but this implies a for-loop again.

Maybe just make a list comprehension filtering for what you don't want?

mylist2 = [(x, y) for (x, y) in mylist if (x, y) != (c, d)]

Use list.remove() if you want to alter mylist:


If you want a new copy of mylist without the element in question, use the list() constructor to make a new list instead, then call remove() on the new list:

newlist = list(mylist)

Use the function del, to delete a tuple from a list.

def operation_between(list, selected):
newlist = list
return newlist

I have a list of tuples and I want to create another list that doesn't contain a specific tuple from that list.


mylist = [(a,b), (c,d), (e,f)]  
selected = (c,d)
operation_between(list, selected)
newlist = [(a,b), (e,f)]

The most simple way to do that is using a for loop, for iterating through mylist and inserting to newlist if current_item != selected. Is there any better way?

I thought of converting the list to a set and then using the - operator to remove the selected tuple from the set. But using set(mylist) only created a set with one item, the list.
Then to fix that I think to use list comprehension, but this implies a for-loop again.

Maybe just make a list comprehension filtering for what you don't want?

mylist2 = [(x, y) for (x, y) in mylist if (x, y) != (c, d)]

Use list.remove() if you want to alter mylist:


If you want a new copy of mylist without the element in question, use the list() constructor to make a new list instead, then call remove() on the new list:

newlist = list(mylist)

Use the function del, to delete a tuple from a list.

def operation_between(list, selected):
newlist = list
return newlist

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