samedi 31 mai 2014

TranslateApiException: The Azure Market Place Translator Subscription associated with the request credentials has zero balance. : ID=3627.V2_Json.Translate.4ECCD7A9

I'm currently on Windows 8, attempting to deploy my Rails app to Amazon EC2 with Rubber following the Railscast #347 Rubber and Amazon EC2.

However, when trying to run cap rubber:create_staging, I get the following error when Rubber attempts to connect the Amazon EC2 instance:

** Failed to connect to <ip address>, retrying
* [32m2014-03-04 18:30:08 executing `rubber:_ensure_key_file_present´
* [32m2104-03-04 18:30:08 executing `rubber:_allow_root_ssh´
* [33mexecuting "sudo -p ´sudo password: ´ bash -l -c ´mkdir -p /root/.ssh &
& cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/´"
servers: ["<ip address"]

Every 15 attempts or so, it does this in between:

** timeout in initial connect, retrying
Trying to enable root login

And this just keeps on going, I let it try for 30 minutes to give the server time, so it's at least not about the server not-initializing.

Some suggestions I found on this were about the key_files, but I've checked those multiple times and am fairly certain they're correct. However, I am starting to doubt this is somehow related to windows. Could it be? The command it is trying to execute is for Linux, but I figured it's not for my computer, but the Amazon server its forwarding it to.

However, this is my first time deploying a Rails app and my knowledge about the subject is very limited, so I don't know about that. Thanks in advance to any help, it is hugely appreciated!

Here's my rubber.yml file.

I'm currently on Windows 8, attempting to deploy my Rails app to Amazon EC2 with Rubber following the Railscast #347 Rubber and Amazon EC2.

However, when trying to run cap rubber:create_staging, I get the following error when Rubber attempts to connect the Amazon EC2 instance:

** Failed to connect to <ip address>, retrying
* [32m2014-03-04 18:30:08 executing `rubber:_ensure_key_file_present´
* [32m2104-03-04 18:30:08 executing `rubber:_allow_root_ssh´
* [33mexecuting "sudo -p ´sudo password: ´ bash -l -c ´mkdir -p /root/.ssh &
& cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/´"
servers: ["<ip address"]

Every 15 attempts or so, it does this in between:

** timeout in initial connect, retrying
Trying to enable root login

And this just keeps on going, I let it try for 30 minutes to give the server time, so it's at least not about the server not-initializing.

Some suggestions I found on this were about the key_files, but I've checked those multiple times and am fairly certain they're correct. However, I am starting to doubt this is somehow related to windows. Could it be? The command it is trying to execute is for Linux, but I figured it's not for my computer, but the Amazon server its forwarding it to.

However, this is my first time deploying a Rails app and my knowledge about the subject is very limited, so I don't know about that. Thanks in advance to any help, it is hugely appreciated!

Here's my rubber.yml file.

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