vendredi 8 août 2014

Différence entre le virtuel et simple héritage en c ++ - Stack Overflow

This question already has an answer here:

What is the difference between

Class A {};
Class Z: public A {};


Class A {};
Class Z: virtual public A{};

Assuming that there is no additional inheritance hierarchy, there is no difference in this case. The only way to see a difference is inheriting the same class through multiple ways - for example, as follows:

class ZA : public Z, public A {};


class ZA : virtual public Z, virtual public A {};

In the first case, ZA would have two regions with separate As - one inherited directly, and one inherited through Z. In the second case, there would be only one A, inherited through both paths, and shared.

Here is an illustration of this:

Virtual vs. Regular inheritance

The difference is in the behaviour when you inherit from multiple classes which share a common base class:

class A {};
class Y : public A {};
class Z : public A {};
class YZ: public Y, public Z {};

In this case, with non-virtual inheritance, a YZ object would contain Y and Z subobjects, each with their own A subobject.

This is usually not what you want, as it doesn't follow the "is-a" relationship that inheritance usually models: there are two different ways in which a YZ can be viewed as an A.

void f(A&);
YZ yz;
f(yz); // ERROR: which A?

But with virtual inheritance of A, there will be only one A subobject, shared by the Y and Z; the example above will now be unambiguous.

Suppose you have two derived classes B and C that have a common base class A. And you have another class D that inherits both of them. You would use public virtual A to ensure that both B and C use the same subobject A.

Info taken from here: Virtual Base Classes

This question already has an answer here:

What is the difference between

Class A {};
Class Z: public A {};


Class A {};
Class Z: virtual public A{};

Assuming that there is no additional inheritance hierarchy, there is no difference in this case. The only way to see a difference is inheriting the same class through multiple ways - for example, as follows:

class ZA : public Z, public A {};


class ZA : virtual public Z, virtual public A {};

In the first case, ZA would have two regions with separate As - one inherited directly, and one inherited through Z. In the second case, there would be only one A, inherited through both paths, and shared.

Here is an illustration of this:

Virtual vs. Regular inheritance

The difference is in the behaviour when you inherit from multiple classes which share a common base class:

class A {};
class Y : public A {};
class Z : public A {};
class YZ: public Y, public Z {};

In this case, with non-virtual inheritance, a YZ object would contain Y and Z subobjects, each with their own A subobject.

This is usually not what you want, as it doesn't follow the "is-a" relationship that inheritance usually models: there are two different ways in which a YZ can be viewed as an A.

void f(A&);
YZ yz;
f(yz); // ERROR: which A?

But with virtual inheritance of A, there will be only one A subobject, shared by the Y and Z; the example above will now be unambiguous.

Suppose you have two derived classes B and C that have a common base class A. And you have another class D that inherits both of them. You would use public virtual A to ensure that both B and C use the same subobject A.

Info taken from here: Virtual Base Classes

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