mardi 12 août 2014

Java - Dimension de JLabel retourne 0 - Stack Overflow

I want to resize an image and display it in a JLabel.

I have the function for resize image have dimension like parameter. So:

public ImageIcon Resze(Dimension dim) {...}

But the dimension of label returns 0 and because this I have exception

I use the Absolute Layout

I tried 3 ways

Way 1

 Dimension D= this.ico.getSize();

Way 2

just for print

 System.out.println(this.ico.getBounds().height );

Way 3

just for print

System.out.println(this.ico.getHeight() );

But the result is 0.

If someone could help, that would be great thanks.

I want to resize an image and display it in a JLabel.

I have the function for resize image have dimension like parameter. So:

public ImageIcon Resze(Dimension dim) {...}

But the dimension of label returns 0 and because this I have exception

I use the Absolute Layout

I tried 3 ways

Way 1

 Dimension D= this.ico.getSize();

Way 2

just for print

 System.out.println(this.ico.getBounds().height );

Way 3

just for print

System.out.println(this.ico.getHeight() );

But the result is 0.

If someone could help, that would be great thanks.

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