Possible Duplicate:
How to get control on security privacy pop up in flash
Can we have any control over security privacy pop up in flash. I mean that I want to call function when user click on done button of privacy pop up.
We are using "Security.showSettings(SecurityPanel.PRIVACY);". This code is user for ask permission to user about their camera access.
Thank you..
This might be helpful. Have a look:
Detecting permissions for camera access
I have just tried it and works perfectly. This code can be used in place of you permission dialog.
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
if (cam != null){
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);
var vid:Video = new Video();
function statusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void{
if(event.code == Camera.Unmuted) // "Camera.Muted" or "Camera.Unmuted"
// good to go
// permission denied
This has an added advantage. If the user later on changes the camera permission from the setting box, then also the StatusEvent handler is fired
I have tried and this also seems to work.
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
if (cam != null){
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);
function statusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void{
if(event.code == "Camera.Unmuted") // "Camera.Muted" or "Camera.Unmuted"
trace("OK");// good to go
trace("NOK");// permission denied
But the StatusEvent Handler is fired as soon as the radio button in the popup is clicked not after the Done button is clicked.
Possible Duplicate:
How to get control on security privacy pop up in flash
Can we have any control over security privacy pop up in flash. I mean that I want to call function when user click on done button of privacy pop up.
We are using "Security.showSettings(SecurityPanel.PRIVACY);". This code is user for ask permission to user about their camera access.
Thank you..
This might be helpful. Have a look:
Detecting permissions for camera access
I have just tried it and works perfectly. This code can be used in place of you permission dialog.
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
if (cam != null){
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);
var vid:Video = new Video();
function statusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void{
if(event.code == Camera.Unmuted) // "Camera.Muted" or "Camera.Unmuted"
// good to go
// permission denied
This has an added advantage. If the user later on changes the camera permission from the setting box, then also the StatusEvent handler is fired
I have tried and this also seems to work.
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
if (cam != null){
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);
function statusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void{
if(event.code == "Camera.Unmuted") // "Camera.Muted" or "Camera.Unmuted"
trace("OK");// good to go
trace("NOK");// permission denied
But the StatusEvent Handler is fired as soon as the radio button in the popup is clicked not after the Done button is clicked.
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