jeudi 17 avril 2014

Application c# compilée avec pilote SQLite .NET ? -Débordement de pile

Real quick question! *If I load an SQLite driver into my .NET project, when I save and compile this project (it's a simple Windows Forms application), will the SQLite driver form part of the application? Basically I'm planning on having one of my form controls execute an SQL query on an SQLite database which will exist on a user's machine. Obviously if this driver does not exist then the SQLite database file will not be able to be interpreted!

Thanks for any input.

I assume by driver you mean external DLL--something like the ADO.NET library. You will need to distribute the DLL with your executable, or compile the source code directly into your solution.

You can also use ILMerge to merge the DLL into your executable after the fact.

Real quick question! *If I load an SQLite driver into my .NET project, when I save and compile this project (it's a simple Windows Forms application), will the SQLite driver form part of the application? Basically I'm planning on having one of my form controls execute an SQL query on an SQLite database which will exist on a user's machine. Obviously if this driver does not exist then the SQLite database file will not be able to be interpreted!

Thanks for any input.

I assume by driver you mean external DLL--something like the ADO.NET library. You will need to distribute the DLL with your executable, or compile the source code directly into your solution.

You can also use ILMerge to merge the DLL into your executable after the fact.

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