mardi 29 avril 2014

Cassandra timeuuid dans le pilote Datastax c# - Stack Overflow

What C# type is equivalent to the timeuuid in the Datastax Cassandra C# driver?

I am writing a simple user tracking service and want to access the most latest user history. I am trying to create a table equivalent to this create statement:

user_id text,
event_type text,
create_date timeuuid,
item_id text,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, event_type), create_date)

I have made the following class:

public class UserHistory
public string UserID;

public string EventType;

public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }

public string ItemID;

And I am using this statement to create the table in Cassandra:

var table = Session.GetTable<UserHistory>();

But this gives me the following table:

CREATE TABLE user_history (
user_id text,
event_type text,
create_date timestamp,
item_id text,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, event_type), create_date)

As you can see, the type of create_date is timestamp instead of timeuuid.

I have tried Guid instead of DateTime, but that gives me an uuid when I am calling .CreateIfNotExists().

Should I use Guid instead of DateTime for the CreateDate and create the table explicit using raw CQL3? I guess this will allow me to read and write timeuuid from/to Cassandra (using the GuidGenerator found in the FluentCassandra project)?! (Recall: I am using the Datastax driver)

Timeuuid is basically a guid and so you should use a guid, the following code is taken from here: creating-a-time-uuid-guid-in-net and is part of the FluentCassandra project

"Below is all the code you need to generate a Time UUID or Time-Based Guid object in .NET. "

public static Guid GenerateTimeBasedGuid(DateTime dateTime)  
long ticks = dateTime.Ticks - GregorianCalendarStart.Ticks;

byte[] guid = new byte[ByteArraySize];
byte[] clockSequenceBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(Environment.TickCount % Int16.MaxValue));
byte[] timestamp = BitConverter.GetBytes(ticks);

// copy node
Array.Copy(Node, 0, guid, NodeByte, Node.Length);

// copy clock sequence
Array.Copy(clockSequenceBytes, 0, guid, GuidClockSequenceByte, clockSequenceBytes.Length);

// copy timestamp
Array.Copy(timestamp, 0, guid, 0, timestamp.Length);

// set the variant
guid[VariantByte] &= (byte)VariantByteMask;
guid[VariantByte] |= (byte)VariantByteShift;

// set the version
guid[VersionByte] &= (byte)VersionByteMask;
guid[VersionByte] |= (byte)((int)GuidVersion.TimeBased << VersionByteShift);

return new Guid(guid);

What C# type is equivalent to the timeuuid in the Datastax Cassandra C# driver?

I am writing a simple user tracking service and want to access the most latest user history. I am trying to create a table equivalent to this create statement:

user_id text,
event_type text,
create_date timeuuid,
item_id text,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, event_type), create_date)

I have made the following class:

public class UserHistory
public string UserID;

public string EventType;

public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }

public string ItemID;

And I am using this statement to create the table in Cassandra:

var table = Session.GetTable<UserHistory>();

But this gives me the following table:

CREATE TABLE user_history (
user_id text,
event_type text,
create_date timestamp,
item_id text,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, event_type), create_date)

As you can see, the type of create_date is timestamp instead of timeuuid.

I have tried Guid instead of DateTime, but that gives me an uuid when I am calling .CreateIfNotExists().

Should I use Guid instead of DateTime for the CreateDate and create the table explicit using raw CQL3? I guess this will allow me to read and write timeuuid from/to Cassandra (using the GuidGenerator found in the FluentCassandra project)?! (Recall: I am using the Datastax driver)

Timeuuid is basically a guid and so you should use a guid, the following code is taken from here: creating-a-time-uuid-guid-in-net and is part of the FluentCassandra project

"Below is all the code you need to generate a Time UUID or Time-Based Guid object in .NET. "

public static Guid GenerateTimeBasedGuid(DateTime dateTime)  
long ticks = dateTime.Ticks - GregorianCalendarStart.Ticks;

byte[] guid = new byte[ByteArraySize];
byte[] clockSequenceBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt16(Environment.TickCount % Int16.MaxValue));
byte[] timestamp = BitConverter.GetBytes(ticks);

// copy node
Array.Copy(Node, 0, guid, NodeByte, Node.Length);

// copy clock sequence
Array.Copy(clockSequenceBytes, 0, guid, GuidClockSequenceByte, clockSequenceBytes.Length);

// copy timestamp
Array.Copy(timestamp, 0, guid, 0, timestamp.Length);

// set the variant
guid[VariantByte] &= (byte)VariantByteMask;
guid[VariantByte] |= (byte)VariantByteShift;

// set the version
guid[VersionByte] &= (byte)VersionByteMask;
guid[VersionByte] |= (byte)((int)GuidVersion.TimeBased << VersionByteShift);

return new Guid(guid);

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