lundi 14 avril 2014

Eclipse plugin - simulateur de Blackberry dans Eclips plug in1.5 - Stack Overflow

I have eclips plugin version 1.5 Helios.It has a default simulator 9930 bold.

I want other simulator in my plugin.How to add other simulator like Curve-9550/Torch-9860.

Presently My eclips has single Simulator.

You can download simulators from blackberry website

For 9000 Bold simulator----

1.Open the file “SimPackage-JDE.rc” which should be found in your **eclipse** simulator folder. It should be in <JDEInstallDirectory>\plugins\net.rim.eide.componentpack4.5.0_4.5.0.16\components\simulator.

2. Append two entries

SimulatorCommand9000-JDE = <Sim_install_dir>\fledge.exe /app=Jvm.dll /handheld=9000 /session=9000 /app-param=DisableRegistration /app-param=JvmAlxConfigFile:9000.xml /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e /pin=0x2100000A

SimulatorDirectory9000-JDE= <Sim_install_dir>

note that should be replaced with the actual path to where you installed the 9000 Bold simulator.

I have eclips plugin version 1.5 Helios.It has a default simulator 9930 bold.

I want other simulator in my plugin.How to add other simulator like Curve-9550/Torch-9860.

Presently My eclips has single Simulator.

You can download simulators from blackberry website

For 9000 Bold simulator----

1.Open the file “SimPackage-JDE.rc” which should be found in your **eclipse** simulator folder. It should be in <JDEInstallDirectory>\plugins\net.rim.eide.componentpack4.5.0_4.5.0.16\components\simulator.

2. Append two entries

SimulatorCommand9000-JDE = <Sim_install_dir>\fledge.exe /app=Jvm.dll /handheld=9000 /session=9000 /app-param=DisableRegistration /app-param=JvmAlxConfigFile:9000.xml /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e /pin=0x2100000A

SimulatorDirectory9000-JDE= <Sim_install_dir>

note that should be replaced with the actual path to where you installed the 9000 Bold simulator.

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