I'm working on a c# application that open a communication socket on a predefined ipaddress and port, and receives frame from a another streaming application. When a frame is received it is added to VideoFileWriter
object. When 1800 frames are received the writer is closed, so the file is writed on the disc. The code is:
private void StartColor_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
int portaIP = int.Parse(Porta.Text);
if (!colorClient.IsConnected)
colorClient.Connect(ServerIp.Text, portaIP);
writer = new VideoFileWriter();
writer.Open("testVideoFileWriter.wmv", 320, 240, 15, VideoCodec.WMV2);
count = 1;
void client_ColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorFrameReadyEventArgs e)
this.Color.Source = e.ColorFrame.BitmapImage;
if (writer != null & count < 1800) // acquire a limitated number of frame
writer.WriteVideoFrame(ResizeBitmap(BitmapImage2Bitmap(e.ColorFrame.BitmapImage), 320, 240));
This code works good, but now I don't want to close the writer after 1800 frames are acquired: I want close the writer only if the input streaming is stopped. How can I perform this task?
I'm working on a c# application that open a communication socket on a predefined ipaddress and port, and receives frame from a another streaming application. When a frame is received it is added to VideoFileWriter
object. When 1800 frames are received the writer is closed, so the file is writed on the disc. The code is:
private void StartColor_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
int portaIP = int.Parse(Porta.Text);
if (!colorClient.IsConnected)
colorClient.Connect(ServerIp.Text, portaIP);
writer = new VideoFileWriter();
writer.Open("testVideoFileWriter.wmv", 320, 240, 15, VideoCodec.WMV2);
count = 1;
void client_ColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorFrameReadyEventArgs e)
this.Color.Source = e.ColorFrame.BitmapImage;
if (writer != null & count < 1800) // acquire a limitated number of frame
writer.WriteVideoFrame(ResizeBitmap(BitmapImage2Bitmap(e.ColorFrame.BitmapImage), 320, 240));
This code works good, but now I don't want to close the writer after 1800 frames are acquired: I want close the writer only if the input streaming is stopped. How can I perform this task?
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