mardi 13 mai 2014

c ++ - configurez les propriétés de la caméra à nouveau OCV 2.4.3 - Stack Overflow

I may just be googling wrong, but I cannot find out a way (read function) to change properties of camera in the new Open CV. I need to disable auto exposure and auto gain of the camera.
Is that even possible?

so, there's your VideoCapture:

VideoCapture cap(0);

now you could try to set or get properties:

//may work or not, highly driver/impl specific.
double exposure = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE);

sometimes you can even acces the drivers config dialog this way:

cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_SETTINGS , 1 );

those constants are in highgui_c.h, around l 333

I may just be googling wrong, but I cannot find out a way (read function) to change properties of camera in the new Open CV. I need to disable auto exposure and auto gain of the camera.
Is that even possible?

so, there's your VideoCapture:

VideoCapture cap(0);

now you could try to set or get properties:

//may work or not, highly driver/impl specific.
double exposure = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE);

sometimes you can even acces the drivers config dialog this way:

cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_SETTINGS , 1 );

those constants are in highgui_c.h, around l 333

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