mercredi 21 mai 2014

classe - copier un module Python/paquet, modifier son comportement & puis comparer son comportement avec l'original ? -Débordement de pile

I'm trying to write a program that can simulate different scenarios.

The model of the world is represented by various python objects, typically functions and classes. I want to retain both the original and new versions of the world.

Conceptually, I think I would like to define the world as it currently stands, then change bits about it, and simulate both.

For example, I'm expecting something like this:

import world
from simulator import simulate
from world_changer import change, copy_world

world0 = world
world1 = change(copy_world(world))

results0 = simulate(world0)
results1 = simulate(world1)

print results0, results1

The world typically will be a package as there's a lot going on in it, and classes within modules seems a natural way to represent a stateful process.

I really don't know if this is possible, or if I'm thinking about this in the right way.

Your question is very abstract, but dependency injection seems like a plausible alternative:

import world
from simulator import simulate
from sub_worlds import sub_world_0, sub_world_1

world0 = world.World(sub_world_0)
world1 = world.World(sub_world_1)

I'm trying to write a program that can simulate different scenarios.

The model of the world is represented by various python objects, typically functions and classes. I want to retain both the original and new versions of the world.

Conceptually, I think I would like to define the world as it currently stands, then change bits about it, and simulate both.

For example, I'm expecting something like this:

import world
from simulator import simulate
from world_changer import change, copy_world

world0 = world
world1 = change(copy_world(world))

results0 = simulate(world0)
results1 = simulate(world1)

print results0, results1

The world typically will be a package as there's a lot going on in it, and classes within modules seems a natural way to represent a stateful process.

I really don't know if this is possible, or if I'm thinking about this in the right way.

Your question is very abstract, but dependency injection seems like a plausible alternative:

import world
from simulator import simulate
from sub_worlds import sub_world_0, sub_world_1

world0 = world.World(sub_world_0)
world1 = world.World(sub_world_1)

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