dimanche 11 mai 2014

CMake sur Linux: « plate-forme cible ne supporte pas liaison dynamique » - Stack Overflow

I have the very simple CMakeLists.txt


that really doesn't do anything. The package VTK is correctly found under /usr/lib/vtk-5.8/VTKConfig.cmake. This file includes a number of statements of the type


to indicate that the shared library libfoobar.so will need to be linked in executables.

Upon creating Makefiles using the above script, however, CMake will complain that

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/lib/vtk-5.8/VTKTargets.cmake:244 (ADD_LIBRARY):
ADD_LIBRARY called with SHARED option but the target platform does not
support dynamic linking. Building a STATIC library instead. This may lead
to problems.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/lib/vtk-5.8/VTKConfig.cmake:200 (INCLUDE)
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindVTK.cmake:73 (FIND_PACKAGE)
CMakeLists.txt:4 (FIND_PACKAGE)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it

What does this warning mean and how is it dealt with?

This is a Linux system with CMake 2.8.9. While this error message appears for all packages that contain ADD_LIBRARY(foobar SHARED IMPORTED), VTK-5.8 is used as an example here.

This error message occurs when the CMake global property TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS is set false and you use a shared library. See Source/cmAddLibraryCommand.cxx line 100 in the CMake source.

This shouldn't normally occur unless you are cross compiling for a very basic system (embedded OS).

I suspect that either this is a bug in the latest version of CMake or you have not configured CMake correctly.

I have the very simple CMakeLists.txt


that really doesn't do anything. The package VTK is correctly found under /usr/lib/vtk-5.8/VTKConfig.cmake. This file includes a number of statements of the type


to indicate that the shared library libfoobar.so will need to be linked in executables.

Upon creating Makefiles using the above script, however, CMake will complain that

CMake Warning (dev) at /usr/lib/vtk-5.8/VTKTargets.cmake:244 (ADD_LIBRARY):
ADD_LIBRARY called with SHARED option but the target platform does not
support dynamic linking. Building a STATIC library instead. This may lead
to problems.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/lib/vtk-5.8/VTKConfig.cmake:200 (INCLUDE)
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindVTK.cmake:73 (FIND_PACKAGE)
CMakeLists.txt:4 (FIND_PACKAGE)
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it

What does this warning mean and how is it dealt with?

This is a Linux system with CMake 2.8.9. While this error message appears for all packages that contain ADD_LIBRARY(foobar SHARED IMPORTED), VTK-5.8 is used as an example here.

This error message occurs when the CMake global property TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS is set false and you use a shared library. See Source/cmAddLibraryCommand.cxx line 100 in the CMake source.

This shouldn't normally occur unless you are cross compiling for a very basic system (embedded OS).

I suspect that either this is a bug in the latest version of CMake or you have not configured CMake correctly.

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