mardi 27 mai 2014

Création de Table externe dans la ruche à l'aide de la ruche JDBC : pas Possible ? -Débordement de pile

External Table creation via HIVE JDBC isnt reflected in the hive datawarehouse whereas the normal table creation inside the hive datawarehouse happens without any issue.

After creating the table via Hive JDBC,

stmt.executeQuery("create external table trial (TOPIC STRING) row format delimited fields terminated by '' STORED as TEXTFILE LOCATION '/user/ranjitha/trial'");`

no error returned.

But when I try retrieving from this table trial, nothing is returned.

Here in this link,!topic/cdh-user/YTekdFtbelE, it says external table creation not possible using HIVE JDBC.

It would be really helpful if someone can guide me on the above. Is this not possible with JDBC or is there another alternative for the same.


External Table creation via HIVE JDBC isnt reflected in the hive datawarehouse whereas the normal table creation inside the hive datawarehouse happens without any issue.

After creating the table via Hive JDBC,

stmt.executeQuery("create external table trial (TOPIC STRING) row format delimited fields terminated by '' STORED as TEXTFILE LOCATION '/user/ranjitha/trial'");`

no error returned.

But when I try retrieving from this table trial, nothing is returned.

Here in this link,!topic/cdh-user/YTekdFtbelE, it says external table creation not possible using HIVE JDBC.

It would be really helpful if someone can guide me on the above. Is this not possible with JDBC or is there another alternative for the same.


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