dimanche 25 mai 2014

GPGPU - limite CUDA semble être atteint, mais quelle limite est qui ? -Débordement de pile

I have a CUDA program that seems to be hitting some sort of limit of some resource, but I can't figure out what that resource is. Here is the kernel function:

__global__ void DoCheck(float2* points, int* segmentToPolylineIndexMap, 
int segmentCount, int* output)
int segmentIndex = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int pointCount = segmentCount + 1;

if(segmentIndex >= segmentCount)

int polylineIndex = segmentToPolylineIndexMap[segmentIndex];
int result = 0;
if(polylineIndex >= 0)
float2 p1 = points[segmentIndex];
float2 p2 = points[segmentIndex+1];
float2 A = p2;
float2 a;
a.x = p2.x - p1.x;
a.y = p2.y - p1.y;

for(int i = segmentIndex+2; i < segmentCount; i++)
int currentPolylineIndex = segmentToPolylineIndexMap[i];

// if not a different segment within out polyline and
// not a fake segment
bool isLegit = (currentPolylineIndex != polylineIndex &&
currentPolylineIndex >= 0);

float2 p3 = points[i];
float2 p4 = points[i+1];
float2 B = p4;
float2 b;
b.x = p4.x - p3.x;
b.y = p4.y - p3.y;

float2 c;
c.x = B.x - A.x;
c.y = B.y - A.y;

float2 b_perp;
b_perp.x = -b.y;
b_perp.y = b.x;

float numerator = dot(b_perp, c);
float denominator = dot(b_perp, a);
bool isParallel = (denominator == 0.0);

float quotient = numerator / denominator;
float2 intersectionPoint;
intersectionPoint.x = quotient * a.x + A.x;
intersectionPoint.y = quotient * a.y + A.y;

result = result | (isLegit && !isParallel &&
intersectionPoint.x > min(p1.x, p2.x) &&
intersectionPoint.x > min(p3.x, p4.x) &&
intersectionPoint.x < max(p1.x, p2.x) &&
intersectionPoint.x < max(p3.x, p4.x) &&
intersectionPoint.y > min(p1.y, p2.y) &&
intersectionPoint.y > min(p3.y, p4.y) &&
intersectionPoint.y < max(p1.y, p2.y) &&
intersectionPoint.y < max(p3.y, p4.y));

output[segmentIndex] = result;

Here is the call to execute the kernel function:

DoCheck<<<702, 32>>>(

The sizes of the parameters are as follows:

  • devicePoints = 22,464 float2s = 179,712 bytes

  • deviceSegmentsToPolylineIndexMap = 22,463 ints = 89,852 bytes

  • numSegments = 1 int = 4 bytes

  • deviceOutput = 22,463 ints = 89,852 bytes

When I execute this kernel, it crashes the video card. It would appear that I am hitting some sort of limit, because if I execute the kernel using DoCheck<<<300, 32>>>(...);, it works. Just to be clear, the parameters are the same, just the number of blocks is different.

Any idea why one crashes the video driver, and the other doesn't? The one that fail seems to be still within the card's limit on number of blocks.

Update More information on my system configuration:

  • Video Card: nVidia 8800GT

  • CUDA Version: 1.1

  • OS: Windows Server 2008 R2

I also tried it on a laptop with the following configuration, but got the same results:

  • Video Card: nVidia Quadro FX 880M

  • CUDA Version: 1.2

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit

The resource which is being exhausted is time. On all current CUDA platforms, the display driver includes a watchdog timer which will kill any kernel which takes more than a few seconds to execute. Running code on a card which is running a display is subject to this limit.

On the WDDM Windows platforms you are using, there are three possible solutions/work-arounds:

  1. Get a Telsa card and use the TCC driver, which eliminates the problem completely

  2. Try modifying registry settings to increase the timer limit (google for the TdrDelay registry key for more information, but I am not a Windows user and can't be more specific than that)

  3. Modify your kernel code to be "re-entrant" and process the data parallel work load in several kernel launches rather than one. Kernel launch overhead isn't all that large and processing the workload over several kernel runs is often pretty easy to achieve, depending on the algorithm you are using.

I have a CUDA program that seems to be hitting some sort of limit of some resource, but I can't figure out what that resource is. Here is the kernel function:

__global__ void DoCheck(float2* points, int* segmentToPolylineIndexMap, 
int segmentCount, int* output)
int segmentIndex = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int pointCount = segmentCount + 1;

if(segmentIndex >= segmentCount)

int polylineIndex = segmentToPolylineIndexMap[segmentIndex];
int result = 0;
if(polylineIndex >= 0)
float2 p1 = points[segmentIndex];
float2 p2 = points[segmentIndex+1];
float2 A = p2;
float2 a;
a.x = p2.x - p1.x;
a.y = p2.y - p1.y;

for(int i = segmentIndex+2; i < segmentCount; i++)
int currentPolylineIndex = segmentToPolylineIndexMap[i];

// if not a different segment within out polyline and
// not a fake segment
bool isLegit = (currentPolylineIndex != polylineIndex &&
currentPolylineIndex >= 0);

float2 p3 = points[i];
float2 p4 = points[i+1];
float2 B = p4;
float2 b;
b.x = p4.x - p3.x;
b.y = p4.y - p3.y;

float2 c;
c.x = B.x - A.x;
c.y = B.y - A.y;

float2 b_perp;
b_perp.x = -b.y;
b_perp.y = b.x;

float numerator = dot(b_perp, c);
float denominator = dot(b_perp, a);
bool isParallel = (denominator == 0.0);

float quotient = numerator / denominator;
float2 intersectionPoint;
intersectionPoint.x = quotient * a.x + A.x;
intersectionPoint.y = quotient * a.y + A.y;

result = result | (isLegit && !isParallel &&
intersectionPoint.x > min(p1.x, p2.x) &&
intersectionPoint.x > min(p3.x, p4.x) &&
intersectionPoint.x < max(p1.x, p2.x) &&
intersectionPoint.x < max(p3.x, p4.x) &&
intersectionPoint.y > min(p1.y, p2.y) &&
intersectionPoint.y > min(p3.y, p4.y) &&
intersectionPoint.y < max(p1.y, p2.y) &&
intersectionPoint.y < max(p3.y, p4.y));

output[segmentIndex] = result;

Here is the call to execute the kernel function:

DoCheck<<<702, 32>>>(

The sizes of the parameters are as follows:

  • devicePoints = 22,464 float2s = 179,712 bytes

  • deviceSegmentsToPolylineIndexMap = 22,463 ints = 89,852 bytes

  • numSegments = 1 int = 4 bytes

  • deviceOutput = 22,463 ints = 89,852 bytes

When I execute this kernel, it crashes the video card. It would appear that I am hitting some sort of limit, because if I execute the kernel using DoCheck<<<300, 32>>>(...);, it works. Just to be clear, the parameters are the same, just the number of blocks is different.

Any idea why one crashes the video driver, and the other doesn't? The one that fail seems to be still within the card's limit on number of blocks.

Update More information on my system configuration:

  • Video Card: nVidia 8800GT

  • CUDA Version: 1.1

  • OS: Windows Server 2008 R2

I also tried it on a laptop with the following configuration, but got the same results:

  • Video Card: nVidia Quadro FX 880M

  • CUDA Version: 1.2

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit

The resource which is being exhausted is time. On all current CUDA platforms, the display driver includes a watchdog timer which will kill any kernel which takes more than a few seconds to execute. Running code on a card which is running a display is subject to this limit.

On the WDDM Windows platforms you are using, there are three possible solutions/work-arounds:

  1. Get a Telsa card and use the TCC driver, which eliminates the problem completely

  2. Try modifying registry settings to increase the timer limit (google for the TdrDelay registry key for more information, but I am not a Windows user and can't be more specific than that)

  3. Modify your kernel code to be "re-entrant" and process the data parallel work load in several kernel launches rather than one. Kernel launch overhead isn't all that large and processing the workload over several kernel runs is often pretty easy to achieve, depending on the algorithm you are using.

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