jeudi 1 mai 2014

OSX - changer la version dans le fichier info.plist cette version correcte apparaîtra dans le finder de mac - Stack Overflow

I am doing maintenance on app that other people created and I want to change the version in the Info.plist file so that when someone selects the app in the finder the correct version will show up. When I manually edit the info.plist file and change the bundle version string from 1.0 to 3.0 it still display 1.0 in the finder. Also, when I recompile the app the version string gets set to 1.0. Can anyone direct me to some info about how these kinds of variables get set and how the info.plist gets created or setup. I don't really know much about the info.plist and have not found any good resources online.

You're looking for an entry named CFBundleGetInfoString. The value of this entry is a string which the Finder displays in the info window. You should set the CFBundleShortVersionString to the same version you mention in the info string.

I am doing maintenance on app that other people created and I want to change the version in the Info.plist file so that when someone selects the app in the finder the correct version will show up. When I manually edit the info.plist file and change the bundle version string from 1.0 to 3.0 it still display 1.0 in the finder. Also, when I recompile the app the version string gets set to 1.0. Can anyone direct me to some info about how these kinds of variables get set and how the info.plist gets created or setup. I don't really know much about the info.plist and have not found any good resources online.

You're looking for an entry named CFBundleGetInfoString. The value of this entry is a string which the Finder displays in the info window. You should set the CFBundleShortVersionString to the same version you mention in the info string.

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