jeudi 1 mai 2014

python - tâches de céleri disparaissent - Stack Overflow

I have a django project running with cron script, executing a management command. This command creates in for cycle tasks for celery:

for r in pr:
log_task(, "to_queue", r)
remind.delay(r, now, send_all)

And the task looks like this:

class RTask(Task):
abstract = True
def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
r = args[0]
log_task(logger.error, exc, r)
log_task(logger_tb.error, einfo, r)

def remind(r, now, send_all):
log_task(, "from_queue", r)

As u can see, I have a logger before task execution and on first line inside it. The problem is - after the update of the project code (another programmer added other tasks and celery version update) majority of my tasks start vanishing. My log file looks like this (only 1 of 8-10 tasks executed):

[2014-03-12 12:45:08,806]  106152122   INFO    to_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,819] 106138932 INFO to_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,915] 106121944 INFO to_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,916] 110418819 INFO from_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,922] 106075777 INFO to_queue

The celery log file don't contains any helpful info. So does rabbit. It has lots of this stuff, but its not connected with my tasks, or does it?

[2014-03-12 12:58:43,091: INFO/MainProcess] Got task from broker: celery.chord_unlock[7fe8f29f-69e1-456c-8a14-7fae0cfacc33] eta:[2014-03-12 12:58:44.089401+00:00]
[2014-03-12 12:58:43,092: INFO/MainProcess] Task celery.chord_unlock[7fe8f29f-69e1-456c-8a14-7fae0cfacc33] retry: Retry in 1s
[2014-03-12 12:58:43,092: INFO/MainProcess] Task celery.chord_unlock[7b1d4a6b-9a34-43e9-98c9-851c93ace5ce] retry: Retry in 1s

What could be possibly the problem? How can I trace task to understand when it disappears?

Please help =)

I have a django project running with cron script, executing a management command. This command creates in for cycle tasks for celery:

for r in pr:
log_task(, "to_queue", r)
remind.delay(r, now, send_all)

And the task looks like this:

class RTask(Task):
abstract = True
def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
r = args[0]
log_task(logger.error, exc, r)
log_task(logger_tb.error, einfo, r)

def remind(r, now, send_all):
log_task(, "from_queue", r)

As u can see, I have a logger before task execution and on first line inside it. The problem is - after the update of the project code (another programmer added other tasks and celery version update) majority of my tasks start vanishing. My log file looks like this (only 1 of 8-10 tasks executed):

[2014-03-12 12:45:08,806]  106152122   INFO    to_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,819] 106138932 INFO to_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,915] 106121944 INFO to_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,916] 110418819 INFO from_queue
[2014-03-12 12:45:08,922] 106075777 INFO to_queue

The celery log file don't contains any helpful info. So does rabbit. It has lots of this stuff, but its not connected with my tasks, or does it?

[2014-03-12 12:58:43,091: INFO/MainProcess] Got task from broker: celery.chord_unlock[7fe8f29f-69e1-456c-8a14-7fae0cfacc33] eta:[2014-03-12 12:58:44.089401+00:00]
[2014-03-12 12:58:43,092: INFO/MainProcess] Task celery.chord_unlock[7fe8f29f-69e1-456c-8a14-7fae0cfacc33] retry: Retry in 1s
[2014-03-12 12:58:43,092: INFO/MainProcess] Task celery.chord_unlock[7b1d4a6b-9a34-43e9-98c9-851c93ace5ce] retry: Retry in 1s

What could be possibly the problem? How can I trace task to understand when it disappears?

Please help =)

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