mercredi 13 août 2014

get python - Django, un attribut d'un modèle - Stack Overflow

I'm trying to get the value of a field from a model. The thing is that I'm getting the id if I use filter(pk=university). But what it returns is [{'name': u'Icecream Chocolate'}]. Is it possible to get its name without the [{'name': u' ... }]?

item_name = Icecream.objects.filter(pk=icecream_id).values('name')

One option is to use objects.get():

item_name = Icecream.objects.get(pk=icecream_id).name

Or, if you still want to use filter(), but don't want to see dictionary with name key, use values_list() with flat=True:

item_name = Icecream.objects.get(pk=icecream_id).values_list('name', flat=True)

From the next section down in the docs:

item_name = Icecream.objects.filter(pk=icecream_id).values_list('name')

I'm trying to get the value of a field from a model. The thing is that I'm getting the id if I use filter(pk=university). But what it returns is [{'name': u'Icecream Chocolate'}]. Is it possible to get its name without the [{'name': u' ... }]?

item_name = Icecream.objects.filter(pk=icecream_id).values('name')

One option is to use objects.get():

item_name = Icecream.objects.get(pk=icecream_id).name

Or, if you still want to use filter(), but don't want to see dictionary with name key, use values_list() with flat=True:

item_name = Icecream.objects.get(pk=icecream_id).values_list('name', flat=True)

From the next section down in the docs:

item_name = Icecream.objects.filter(pk=icecream_id).values_list('name')

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