samedi 9 août 2014

services de web d'Amazone - découvrir tous les attributs d'une table de AWS DynamoDB par programmation ? -Débordement de pile

I know that this can be done with a full table scan & inspecting all records for the presence of attributes. Is there a less painful way ?

No, there isn't. This is one of the trade-offs of DynamoDB.

If there was a way to do this, then storing a new item with a new attribute would have to update something else, somewhere else, that remembered all of the attributes that were present in the table.

I know that this can be done with a full table scan & inspecting all records for the presence of attributes. Is there a less painful way ?

No, there isn't. This is one of the trade-offs of DynamoDB.

If there was a way to do this, then storing a new item with a new attribute would have to update something else, somewhere else, that remembered all of the attributes that were present in the table.

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