samedi 29 novembre 2014

Relation inverse de Django requête sans clé étrangère - Stack Overflow

I'm currently working on a Django library to manage images of multiple resolutions (django-multires) where I am stuck optimizing a reserve relationship query. Before I explain the issue, let me try to explain what I am trying to achieve.


The idea is to store multiple resolutions of an image however keep references to the original image in terms of image paths instead of foreign keys. I think an example will make more sense:

# the goal is to store multiple resolutions for 'image' field
class FooModel(models.Model):
image = MultiresImageField(...)

# MultiresImage.source will be the identical to FooModel.image
# so MultiresImage.source will act sort of like a foreign key
class MultiresImage(models.Model):
source = models.ImageField(...)

Using this approach instead of using a foreign key (or generic foreign key) to link to the source image allows to add multiple MultiresImageFields to the source model:

class FooModel(models.Model):
image = MultiresImageField(...)
image2 = MultiresImageField(...)

Now lets say you need to get all different resolutions for an image field within the source model:

foo = FooModel(...)
# which behind the scenes will do something similar to
return MultiresImage.objects.filter(

That works well until you need to query multiple FooModel instances in which case for each model instance I am forced to do a db lookup to get all resolutions for that model:

sources = FooModel.objects.filter(...)
for source in sources:
# this incurs a db query

Usually I would use prefetch_related to do the performance optimization however in here I can't because my multires model does not have a foreign key to the source model hence reverse relationship does not exist on the source model.


So my question is how can the above query be optimized?

Some current thoughts

  • Since I am making a custom model field, I could use contribute_to_class to manually add a reverse relationship to source model however I can't figure out how?

  • Another though is to use Prefetch API in Django>=1.7 but I can't figure out how to make that work as well.

The easiest, but probably not most elegant solution would be to write a kind of helper class:

def prefetch_related_images(image_queryset):
multires_images = MultiresImage.objects.filter(source__in=[ for image in image_queryset ])
for image in image_queryset:
image.multires_images = []
for multires_image in multires_images:
if multires_image.source ==

And well, a more elegant solution could be along the lines on your thought on contribute_to_class. Why don't you try something like a Generic Relationship:

class MultiresImage(models.Model):
source = models.ImageField(...)
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
image_target= GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')

and then amend contribute_to_class like that:

def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
Attached necessary garbage collection signals.
super(MultiresImageField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)

setattr(cls,'%_source', GenericRelation(MultiresImage)

And then handle the details of managing the relationship via the signals (as you already do).

I'm currently working on a Django library to manage images of multiple resolutions (django-multires) where I am stuck optimizing a reserve relationship query. Before I explain the issue, let me try to explain what I am trying to achieve.


The idea is to store multiple resolutions of an image however keep references to the original image in terms of image paths instead of foreign keys. I think an example will make more sense:

# the goal is to store multiple resolutions for 'image' field
class FooModel(models.Model):
image = MultiresImageField(...)

# MultiresImage.source will be the identical to FooModel.image
# so MultiresImage.source will act sort of like a foreign key
class MultiresImage(models.Model):
source = models.ImageField(...)

Using this approach instead of using a foreign key (or generic foreign key) to link to the source image allows to add multiple MultiresImageFields to the source model:

class FooModel(models.Model):
image = MultiresImageField(...)
image2 = MultiresImageField(...)

Now lets say you need to get all different resolutions for an image field within the source model:

foo = FooModel(...)
# which behind the scenes will do something similar to
return MultiresImage.objects.filter(

That works well until you need to query multiple FooModel instances in which case for each model instance I am forced to do a db lookup to get all resolutions for that model:

sources = FooModel.objects.filter(...)
for source in sources:
# this incurs a db query

Usually I would use prefetch_related to do the performance optimization however in here I can't because my multires model does not have a foreign key to the source model hence reverse relationship does not exist on the source model.


So my question is how can the above query be optimized?

Some current thoughts

  • Since I am making a custom model field, I could use contribute_to_class to manually add a reverse relationship to source model however I can't figure out how?

  • Another though is to use Prefetch API in Django>=1.7 but I can't figure out how to make that work as well.

The easiest, but probably not most elegant solution would be to write a kind of helper class:

def prefetch_related_images(image_queryset):
multires_images = MultiresImage.objects.filter(source__in=[ for image in image_queryset ])
for image in image_queryset:
image.multires_images = []
for multires_image in multires_images:
if multires_image.source ==

And well, a more elegant solution could be along the lines on your thought on contribute_to_class. Why don't you try something like a Generic Relationship:

class MultiresImage(models.Model):
source = models.ImageField(...)
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
image_target= GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')

and then amend contribute_to_class like that:

def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
Attached necessary garbage collection signals.
super(MultiresImageField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)

setattr(cls,'%_source', GenericRelation(MultiresImage)

And then handle the details of managing the relationship via the signals (as you already do).

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