I am trying to create a mail sending script using smtp server and python. I am using csv to store the addresses, and then the script use them to create sending request using email lib.
for f, t in zip(FROM,TO):
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
msg['From']= f
msg['To'] = t
s.sendmail(f, t, msg.as_string())
print('from: '+str(msg['From'])) #for debuging
print('[+] emali send from {} to {}'.format(f,t))
here is the problematic part. its seem that all the emails are send only from the first msg[from]
that I define.
from: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from asv@acdc.co.il to orhalimi@mailinator.com
from: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from sss@Nisha.com to or@mailinator.com
doesn't get change in the next round of the loop even if f
changed. but msg['To']
work without problem.
Really weird, Thanks for any help.
Edit: Show how msg is defined
I make a multipart message that attach html with option to attach file.
msg = MIMEMultipart()
if not opts.subject: msg['Subject'] = ' '
else: msg['Subject'] = opts.subject
with open(opts.html,'r') as f:
html = f.read()
part1 = MIMEText(html, 'html')
except Exception as e:
print('html: '+ str(e))
with open(opts.file, 'rb') as f:
maintype, subtype = 'application', 'octet-stream'
part2 = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
part2.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=opts.file)
except Exception as e:
print('file: '+ str(e))
Edit2: After trying the suggesting stuff
You are right about the same behavior. when I added print('To: '+str(msg['From']))
The output got stuck on the first value. output:
from: asv@acdc.co.il
To: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from asv@acdc.co.il to orhalimi@mailinator.com
from: asv@acdc.co.il
To: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from sss@Nisha.com to or@mailinator.com
but when I change it to replace and set them before its work. output:
from: asv@acdc.co.il
To: orhalimi@mailinator.com
[+] emali send from asv@acdc.co.il to orhalimi@mailinator.com
from: sss@Nisha.com
To: or@mailinator.com
[+] emali send from sss@Nisha.com to or@mailinator.com
Anyone know why? I remember list can redefine easy in python.
Its because its appending and not replacing your msg attribute value.
You can use replace_header or del
If you use replace make sure the check of attribute exists or not.
if msg.has_key('From'):
msg.replace_header('From', f)
msg['From'] = f
Other way is clearing the attribute, and assign value -
del msg['From']
msg['From'] = f
I am trying to create a mail sending script using smtp server and python. I am using csv to store the addresses, and then the script use them to create sending request using email lib.
for f, t in zip(FROM,TO):
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
msg['From']= f
msg['To'] = t
s.sendmail(f, t, msg.as_string())
print('from: '+str(msg['From'])) #for debuging
print('[+] emali send from {} to {}'.format(f,t))
here is the problematic part. its seem that all the emails are send only from the first msg[from]
that I define.
from: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from asv@acdc.co.il to orhalimi@mailinator.com
from: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from sss@Nisha.com to or@mailinator.com
doesn't get change in the next round of the loop even if f
changed. but msg['To']
work without problem.
Really weird, Thanks for any help.
Edit: Show how msg is defined
I make a multipart message that attach html with option to attach file.
msg = MIMEMultipart()
if not opts.subject: msg['Subject'] = ' '
else: msg['Subject'] = opts.subject
with open(opts.html,'r') as f:
html = f.read()
part1 = MIMEText(html, 'html')
except Exception as e:
print('html: '+ str(e))
with open(opts.file, 'rb') as f:
maintype, subtype = 'application', 'octet-stream'
part2 = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
part2.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=opts.file)
except Exception as e:
print('file: '+ str(e))
Edit2: After trying the suggesting stuff
You are right about the same behavior. when I added print('To: '+str(msg['From']))
The output got stuck on the first value. output:
from: asv@acdc.co.il
To: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from asv@acdc.co.il to orhalimi@mailinator.com
from: asv@acdc.co.il
To: asv@acdc.co.il
[+] emali send from sss@Nisha.com to or@mailinator.com
but when I change it to replace and set them before its work. output:
from: asv@acdc.co.il
To: orhalimi@mailinator.com
[+] emali send from asv@acdc.co.il to orhalimi@mailinator.com
from: sss@Nisha.com
To: or@mailinator.com
[+] emali send from sss@Nisha.com to or@mailinator.com
Anyone know why? I remember list can redefine easy in python.
Its because its appending and not replacing your msg attribute value.
You can use replace_header or del
If you use replace make sure the check of attribute exists or not.
if msg.has_key('From'):
msg.replace_header('From', f)
msg['From'] = f
Other way is clearing the attribute, and assign value -
del msg['From']
msg['From'] = f
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